Tuesday, October 30, 2018


    We all have sentences to write but, we don’t know how, where, when or in what way
they will end.  Nevertheless, we can write our story.  We have the ability to make plans and prepare a text and layout groundwork that can be interesting and exciting.  So, we begin our journey and see that some of what we want to happen works out well but, there are occasions where a trip we take or a career we start falters because of circumstances we can’t control.  An accident can occur or illness hampers you.  Yet, we find we are able to rewrite a chapter and make things turn out better.  Our story has many many sentences that bring happier endings.   
   Sometimes, we sit back from the desk and rest to collect new thoughts to prepare for a new adventure but, someone interrupts your writing and offers you different ideas to write.  It seems that these new thoughts for a moment are fascinating. Yet, it seems as if what is introduced to you makes you feel uncomfortable or even intimidating.
  After all,you realize these new thoughts are not part of the theme you are developing.  What is important to you is that the sentences you write are a true meaning to bring you happiness.  It isn’t always easy to write sentences that please others.  But, so what? These sentences are yours and only yours.
   As you get older you find new inspirations to write sentences that allow you to share your feelings with others.  So, your sentences have more eloquent words and your friends find those you express are effective.  You find that your sentences can offer you and others peace of mind.  The sentences become valuable to comfort you as well as others.
    What you read each day can make you sad when you read sentences that tell of horrific incidents.  Those sentences are devastating and frightening.  You need to continue writing sentences that recapture the value of life and restore more love and human understanding of the value of life.  Children especially need to read sentences that give them courage to know that their stories can have happier endings.  Write sentences that provide parents with the support to know you care about them and that their sentences can have new chapters.   





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