Tuesday, May 21, 2019


    Have you ever watched the performance of a full concert orchestra? Did you happen to notice the violin section? If you did, then you didn’t see any player using the bow with the left hand.  If one did so it would bump into the other violinists. This observation is not to say that there were no left-handed violinists. It simply indicates that there might be left-handed players who restrung their instruments to play in synch with all the right-handed players.  So, it appears as another example of the dominance of the right-handed world.

    A few days ago, I was watching the surgeon stitching a dermatalogical wound on my right arm and I noticed she was left-handed.  So, we struck up a conversation as I shared that I was left- handed too. I happened to mention that historically, being left-handed was not well received, particularly in the middle ages or, even before that time.  As a matter fact, left-handed in French was derived from the word Gauche, referring to inappropriate or odd.  She agreed and mentioned that in Latin the derivation of the word left is sinister, referring to unfavorable or evil.  So, we shared something in common.  As “lefties” we are in the minority population.

    Interestingly enough, studies indicate 70-95 percent of the world’s population is right handed suggesting about 10 percent are left-handed. I was curious to see the genetic basis of handedness and discovered it is very complex.  Although, there has been research no evidence has been obtained to explain a genetic locus.

    I am confident you are aware that maybe you, your friends or relatives recall instances where a parent noticed a young child had a tendency to be left-handed, only to be influenced to learn to be right-handed which had dire effects on one’s development. There are however, individuals who are ambidextrous and manage very well to deal with life’s expectations.

    Undoubtedly, it is still a right-handed world which continues to be a challenge to those of us who are lefties.  Nevertheless, I have found my way comfortably and I am confident we can address the right-handed can-opener.











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