Sunday, March 5, 2023



     I wonder if there really is anyone who really lives with an indifferent attitude about life and people around you.  Sometimes and somewhere I hear people give an opinion or viewpoint about just about anything.  Whatever I hear is always  meaningful.  I don’t even ask for an opinion.  It just seems to come from anyone who speaks. There is usually a comment or two that indicates you have some remark that may be critical or even judgmental about something.  I can appreciate hearing comments that are complimentary, but I wonder why I often hear complaints or criticisms about someone or something.  Are my observations telling me you are uncomfortable or you may be annoyed?

    If you talk about life and the people you know and meet with a friendly attitude, then I am comfortable because it helps me feel you care about life.

     As it has been said:  No one promised us a rose garden.

    According to Albert Einstein:

 “Be kind to people who are different from you."

The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time

           have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been.

  Kindness, Beauty, and Truth.”