Demographics is referred to as a particular sector of a population usually described by data such as age, sex, education level, income level, marital status, occupation, religion, birth rate, death rate, average family size, and average age. We could have gathered some of this data to describe our community when it first opened in 2001 and then again, perhaps now in 2017. But, it really isn’t necessary because our armchair observations reveal that the age designated for residence in 2001 was 55 or older. That means the average age today is probably closer to 80 or more. Furthermore, there are many residents who have passed away or even moved. So, where does it leave us?
We know that there are new homeowners who have come here to address the 55 or over age range. That leaves us with a diverse sample of people living here. So, that means there is more disparity to meet the needs and address the interests of our inhabitants.
Let’s put the above information aside for a few minutes and look at what is most important for us. That is our longevity. Certainly, recreation and entertainment are essential for one’s well being. How aware are we in managing what I refer to as our “ambulatablebalance” It is the blending of our mental and physical activity. It is one thing to play tennis, golf, pickleball, bowl or ride bicycles and swim. Some people in their senior years become sedentary, inactive or passive. Consider living a well-balanced life as we get older. We all ultimately face medical issues that can be mental or physical.
Consider the following tips:
1. Nurture yourself:
If you don’t get proper rest, you will be tired of any activity.
Eat food that is healthy and not binge just to relieve a disappointment
2. Set your priorities:
Examine your values and live by them.
Accept who you are and avoid self-pity.
3. Expect what is unexpected:
Roll with the punches.
Know that feeling unhappy passes
4. Build an efficient mindset:
Plan ahead and be organized.
Don’t delay what needs to be done.
5. Use your head:
Find time to read and learn.
Know that to learn is ageless.
6. Activate an Ambulatablebalance
Take an easy walk ambulate (move).
Balance your physical and mental state.
In the final analysis, it’s important to realize that the balance is to understand that the glass is
“Not half empty but half full”.