Saturday, December 1, 2012

It seems that the foundation for a balance of life in a society is its system of morality. Morality is derived from the Latin moralitas meaning "proper behavior". Being moral is sometimes synonymous with "goodness" or "rightness", depending upon a society's values. Each person is usually introduced to morality in early childhood. Unfortunately, it is not always that simple because our environment can interfere with how we behave.
There are those who are immoral; that is, they reject a code of right or wrong possibly because of personal issues or abuse. There are those who in some cases are amoral; that is, they are unaware of or indifferent to any set of moral standards. For example, feral children born in the wild have not had any knowledge of morals. Also, there are people who have severe limited mental ability and are incapable of internalizing notions of right and wrong.
For the most part, most of us learn to live by a set of ethics, a code of behavior that is also referred to as morals. It is often said we have developed a social conscience. We conform to a personal sense of right conduct and if it is breached we experience a feeling of shame. In most instances we feel sorry and try to make amends.
Maybe that's why it is often said, "Let your conscience be your guide".  Remember the song from the original Walt Disney movie Pinocchio?Jiminy Cricket sang it to Pinocchio:

When you get in trouble and you don't know right from wrong
Give a little whistle! Give a little whistle!
When you meet temptation and the urge is very strong
Give a little whistle! Give a little whistle!
Not just a little squeak, pucker up and blow
And if your whistle's weak, yell, "Jiminy Cricket!"
Take the straight and narrow path and if you start to slide
Give a little whistle! Give a little whistle!
And always let your conscience be your guide.
Keep in mind that a conscience is one's own sense of right conduct.
It was developed from early childhood and has become a part of life ever present even in one's senior years. However, sometimes situations or conditions faced over time have allowed us to justify or make excuses for inappropriate behavior. Those of us fortunate to have a family, children and grandchildren know how they look to us as a model of ideals. When we get impatient or short tempered, it can bruise our personal connections. It seems well worthwhile to recognize that how we conduct our life provides a gift or legacy for those we love. How well do we let our conscience be our guide?



Just taking a stroll
Making no haste
Or going to a place
Maybe going faster
 With no time to waste
To keep the pace
Hoping to win a race